Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Find Animals... be much nicer than people.

Maybe I'm just a bit bitter though. These past few months of roaming the hills as a sheep farmer has done me good. Shortly after the murder at the resort, I managed to find a job as an apprentice to a guy who had a bunch of sheep. The flock was getting to big, so he needed me to come and take half of it. At first, the sheep kept biting me. But after spending some time together, we worked things out.

As for the resort - they did some more investigating and saw that I was telling the truth all along. Ferdu had taken my shift that night, and forgotten to do the necessary paperwork. So, when a guest was killed that night, I took the blame because Ferdu was too much of a tool to come out and admit that he was the one on duty that night. Not that it was really his fault either. The death was a gang-related fiasco that had been planned a long time ago. Sucks, but that's what happens with people.

The sheep are a lot more fun. I named the one I like least Ferdu, and I poke him with my staff a lot. That's fun. I'm nice to the rest though. Except Gordo - but I just like to ride him because he's so fat. I'm helping him lose weight. I love how my life has become so enamored with such simple things.

It's become so that I don't even remember that ValuSave anymore.