Thursday, April 3, 2008

So I Made a Minor Miscalculation...

...but that does not mean I'm going to let the dream die.

I met a girl on the plane. Her name is Stacy. She's from New Zealand. There's a problem with that though. Not that she is from New Zealand, but about New Zealand itself. Turns out that, contrary to my previous expectations, New Zealand is not a city in Australia, but a different country altogether. I should have figured that "the man" would try to stick it to me somehow, but I didn't expect it so soon. It just motivates me though - to continue with what I do best. Sticking it to him in return; sticking it to "the man".

Stacy tells me that New Zealand is really close to Australia. I guess that's not so bad. Apparently they have decent surfing there as well. And Stacy tells me that she knows a place I can stay. All I have to do is work in a small restaurant for a few hours a day, and my food and shelter will be taken care of. I'm a little adverse to working, to be honest. Work is an institution crafted by "the man", and by buying into that institution, I'm not really sticking it to anyone at all. In time, though. In time.

Aside from that, Stacy's suggestion sounds like a good one - for a little while. I think she's into me though, and is using this as an excuse to keep me around. Sooner or later things will get awkward, but I'll be long gone by then. The job will just be enough to set me up for what I need to do - spend every waking moment surfing, and by doing so, sticking it to "the man".

I asked Stacy if they have any ValuSaves in New Zealand. She said she didn't think so.

Eat that, ValuSave. You're just a corporation of "the man".

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